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Entreciencias: diálogos en la sociedad del conocimiento

On-line version ISSN 2007-8064


KRASNOSCHEKOV, Yuri Vasilevich; KRASOTINA, Larisa Vladimirovna; PULIDO DELGADO, José Luis  and  DURAN GARCIA, Héctor Martín. Application of the flexible thread scheme for the calculation of mezzanines with column absence connected to frameworks. Entreciencias: diálogos soc. conoc. [online]. 2018, vol.6, n.17, pp.9-16.  Epub Aug 04, 2020. ISSN 2007-8064.

Oftentimes buildings utilize structural systems connected to elements to give them a greater load resistance; these consist of reinforced floors with the fastening of cables or wires. The objective of this research was to find a viable methodology for flexible wire calculation taking into consideration the dynamic effect associated with the absence of a column. Two dynamic variants were examined: static and dynamic reinforcement of floors (reinforced concrete) in order to prevent a progressive collapse. For analyses, the flexible wire scheme was applied considering an increase of reinforcements due to the absence of the column. A dynamic coefficient is used which is advisable when considering a structure without columns (according to the Russian standard regulation 27751-2014). The methodology was developed and tested to calculate the dynamic coefficient considering an inelastic deformation. Numerical models of construction analysis are shown to avoid collapse concluding that a greater reinforcement of the cable is and to avoid failure.

Keywords : collapse situation; absence of column; progressive deterioration; flexible wire; dynamic effect.

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