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Entreciencias: diálogos en la sociedad del conocimiento

On-line version ISSN 2007-8064


IBARRA CISNEROS, Manuel Alejandro; VELA REYNA, Juan Benito  and  RIOS NEQUIS, Eric Israel. Catalysts for hotel sector performance: Entrepreneurial orientation, corporate social responsibility, total quality management. Entreciencias: diálogos soc. conoc. [online]. 2022, vol.10, n.24, e81708.  Epub Feb 28, 2023. ISSN 2007-8064.


To analyze the interrelationships that exist between entrepreneurial orientation, corporate social responsibility, total quality management, and how they influence the hotels' performance. In addition, the moderating effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and performance is examined. Finally, the mediating effect of total quality management in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance is analyzed.

Methodological design:

It is an explanatory cross-sectional investigation. A 32-item survey was applied to 584 3-star and higher hotels in the United States and Mexico. The statistical technique of the structural equations model by partial least squares was used.


The existence of a direct relationship between most of the factors analyzed among themselves and the increase in the performance of the hotels is evident. There is a strong connection between total quality mana-gement and corporate social responsibility. However, the entrepreneurial orientation only influences the total quality and not social responsibility as a direct relationship or as a moderating effect. Finally, there is a mediating effect of total quality about entrepreneurial orientation and performance.

Research limitations:

The main limitation was access to survey hotels due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


All factors influence better performance; however, the simultaneous adoption of all of them does not allow maximizing all the benefits. On the contrary, it ends up generating heavy expenditure of time and resources about the additional increase in performance.

Keywords : performance; hotels; responsibility; quality; entrepreneurial.

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