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Cultura y representaciones sociales

On-line version ISSN 2007-8110


RAMOS BALLESTEROS, Paulino. Limits on Identity-Based Policies. Visibility regimes on the 20th anniversary of the decriminalization of homosexuality in Ecuador. Cultura representaciones soc [online]. 2020, vol.14, n.28, 00004.  Epub Feb 21, 2022. ISSN 2007-8110.

This paper focuses on the shortcomings of LGBTQ identity-based policies in Ecuador drawing from the case study about the 20th anniversary of the decriminalization of homosexuality in 2017. It examines visual archives of LGBTQ organizations, testimonies from people who participated in the process of decriminalization and different strategies that the current organizations deploy for the commemoration. Thus, the article aims to show how the anniversary provides a framework that gives visibility to some issues while hiding others. By using a queer methodology to approach the topic, which means moving away from exact categories and limits, I focus my research on how this anniversary builds a neutral, masculinized and whitewashed LGBTQ subject. Its analysis also allows us to relate identity politics with colonial matrices of power, which provide an interpretation of LGBTQ struggles in their relationship with the state, the nation and the teleology of modernity.

Keywords : identity-based policies; LGBTQ; decriminalization of homosexuality; regime of visibility; memories.

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