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Acta ortopédica mexicana

Print version ISSN 2306-4102


BEREBICHEZ-FRIDMAN, R  and  BEREBICHEZ-FASTLICHT, E. The 50 most cited articles in orthopedics and traumatology by Mexican authors. Acta ortop. mex [online]. 2018, vol.32, n.4, pp.214-224.  Epub Sep 04, 2020. ISSN 2306-4102.


The amount of quotation a scientific article receives is important for the academic impact. In the present study, we analyzed the 50 most cited articles in orthopedics and related areas published by mexican authors, as well as analyzing their main characteristics.

Material and methods:

A search was conducted using Web of Science , of the 50 articles with the largest number of quotation on orthopedics and related areas, in which the principal author or corresponding author had an address in Mexico. We analyzed the articles of 66 scientific journals within the category Orthopedics . We examined the quantity and density of citations, Origin institution, subspeciality to which the article corresponds, and level of evidence.


The most cited article had 222 cites. The 50 most cited articles accumulated a total of 1,944, with an average of 3.6 cites per year per article. The year with the largest number of publications was the 2011, and the year with the largest number of quotation was 2008. Public institutions had a larger number of publications in relation to private institutions. The subspecialty with the largest number of publications was arthroscopy and sport medicine. Most publications with a large number of citations refer to studies with a low level of evidence.


The present study points out the 50 most cited articles published by mexican authors in orthopedics and related areas. There is a tendency towards publishing articles on some subspecialities, in particular on arthroscopy and sport medicine. Most publications have a low level of evidence.

Keywords : Orthopedic literature; orthopedics; bibliometric analysis; mexican authors; cites; impact factor.

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