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Acta ortopédica mexicana

Print version ISSN 2306-4102


FORTIS-OLMEDO, IO; AVALOS-ARROYO, G  and  ROMO-RODRIGUEZ, R. Complex elbow fracture. Acta ortop. mex [online]. 2019, vol.33, n.5, pp.329-332.  Epub Aug 13, 2021. ISSN 2306-4102.

Elbow fractures are secondary to low or high energy trauma affecting the distal humerus, olecranon, radial head or a combination of the above. Complex fractures of the elbow complicate the reduction and its subsequent fixation representing a real challenge for the orthopedic surgeon. It is essential the use of diagnostic aids such as computerized axial tomography for diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Currently new trends in the fixation of the same and the various implants with which it is counted, can improve improve the patient’s prognosis. We present two clinical cases of complex elbow fractures treated by osteosynthesis.

Keywords : Distal humerus fracture; olecranon fracture; capitellum fracture.

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