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Acta ortopédica mexicana

Print version ISSN 2306-4102

Acta ortop. mex vol.36 n.3 Ciudad de México May./Jun. 2022  Epub Aug 28, 2023 


Let’s be the leaders we wish we had

MI Encalada-Díaz2  * 

1 Chief-Editor, Acta Ortopédica Mexicana. México.

One is not what he is by what he writes, but by what he has read.

Jorge Luis Borges

With this editorial I finish my cycle as editor-in-chief of Acta Ortopédica Mexicana, my thanks to the Board of directors of CMO for their confidence in the position. Also, my thanks to my associate editors and editorial board for their acceptance and participation in this project. Finally, I invite our reviewers and authors to continue contributing with their time and comments to raise the level of clinical research in Orthopedics and Traumatology in the country and throughout Latin America.

In this cycle we managed to close some projects: the inclusion of works written in English directly by the authors eliminating the Translation of documents; we increased the number of national and international reviewers; the number of articles per issue also increased to integrate more research papers and we decreased the number of case reports; we maintained the inclusion of the journal within PubMed; we were integrated into the CONACYT catalog and we maintained membership in the repositories of Spanish-speaking journals.

We managed to encourage and bring the journal closer to our doctors in training through the development of workshops and work review sessions;Wwe managed to get several hospitals their first official publication in the field of orthopedics and many of our collaborators currently serve on editorial committees of other national and international journals.

It is a myth to think that the quality of a scientific publication depends on its editor, nothing more false; quality goes with scientific medical information with value;1 The impact factor goes as the more the works are read and more are cited otherwise we will continue to be the most beautiful magazine of the «sideboard».

Acta Ortopédica Mexicana is the best positioned orthopedic journal in Latin America, however, this is not enough; we must make it the most read and most cited journal in Latin America. This is the work to be developed; nothing changes if nothing changes.


1. Espinosa-Larrañaga F. La calidad de una publicación científica. Gac Med Mex. 2017; 153(3): 293-6. [ Links ]

*Corresponding author: M Iván Encalada-Díaz. E-mail:

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