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Revista mexicana de opinión pública

On-line version ISSN 2448-4911Print version ISSN 1870-7300


ECHEVERRIA VICTORIA, Martín et al. Performance of the Mexican Political Communication Model in the 2018 Election. A Comprehensive Evaluation. Rev. mex. opinión pública [online]. 2021, n.30, pp.17-39.  Epub Apr 21, 2021. ISSN 2448-4911.

The political communication model is a normative design that sets performance expectations for the Mexican media, as well as an electoral information platform. Though previous research has been conducted to investigate such performance, a general evaluation of the media system as a whole is absent in the literature. This paper presents findings from a content analysis of the messages of 22 printed press (n = 2095) and four digital outlets (n = 473), three private (n = 220), and three public television networks (n = 222), as well as nine talk shows (n = 502), three presidential debates (n = 556), and output from social media (Twitter, 180 twits). We content analyzed those units under a single, cross-media set of categories based on the concepts of balance, information base, and mediated deliberation, that deepen the assessment. Findings reveal that though equity in coverage is achieved, media lacks theme and actor plurality, and is poor in mediated deliberation. This means that citizens do get balanced information during elections, but the former lacks enough substance for them to make a rational vote.

Keywords : Political communication model; elections; media; media performance; content analysis; mediated deliberation.

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