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Derecho global. Estudios sobre derecho y justicia

On-line version ISSN 2448-5136Print version ISSN 2448-5128


RUIZ MORENO, Ángel Guillermo  and  RUIZ BUENROSTRO, Ángel Edoardo. The implementation of the 2017 constitutional reform on labor justice and social security in Mexico. Derecho glob. Estud. sobre derecho justicia [online]. 2018, vol.4, n.10, pp.127-152.  Epub Oct 14, 2020. ISSN 2448-5136.

After a century of maintaining tripartite justice as a legal dogma in Labor Law, Mexico opts to change the operator in terms of justice, based on the results obtained in the «Diálogos por la Justicia Cotidiana», transferring such a delicate function to the Federal and Local Judiciary in their respective domain and condemning the Conciliation and Arbitration Boards, dependent on the Executive Power, to disappearance, thus removing all political influences in the resolution of labor conflicts. This radical change, the most transcendental in a century of existence of the legendary article 123 of our Federal Political Constitution, will have many problems in its legal implementation, just like we can conclude from the fact that its deadline published on 24 February 2017 in the reformation decree has already ended.

Keywords : everyday justice; conciliation; collective bargaining; labor union registration; Judiciary.

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