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Nueva revista de filología hispánica

On-line version ISSN 2448-6558Print version ISSN 0185-0121


BERMUDEZ CALLEJAS, Sulemi. Transformation and poetic reelaboration in Julio Torri’s “Saudade” and “Machado de Assis”. Nueva rev. filol. hisp. [online]. 2017, vol.65, n.2, pp.531-542. ISSN 2448-6558.

This paper analyses the semantic and poetic variations present in two of the texts which Julio Torri devotes to Brazilian themes: “Saudade” and “Machado de Assis”. By creating metaphors and introducing words in Portuguese, this member of the Mexican Ateneo extends the meanings of the phrases he uses. He is able to do so since both these devices serve as figures of speech, transforming the meaning of the phrases and opening them up to new interpretations.

Keywords : Saudade; Machado de Assis; transformation; metaphors; Portuguese words.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )