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Análisis económico

On-line version ISSN 2448-6655Print version ISSN 0185-3937


SAAVEDRA LEYVA, Rafael Eduardo; MORONES CARRILLO, Ana Lourdes  and  MARTINEZ SIDON, Gilberto. Theft as an obstacle to entrepreneurship in Mexico, 2005-2018. Anál. econ. [online]. 2021, vol.36, n.92, pp.145-163.  Epub Oct 04, 2021. ISSN 2448-6655.

The present investigation analyzes the effect of robberies on entrepreneurship in Mexico, during 2005-2018, within the framework of the creation of the business. The hypothesis assumes that robberies negatively influence entrepreneurship. The robbery variable includes four modalities: robberies, business robberies, robberies with violence and robberies without violence. Given the structure of the data, a model with panel data was estimated for Mexican entities. The results show a negative relationship when business robberies and violent robberies are used.

Keywords : Entrepreneurship; Robbery; Mexico; Panel model; L26; M13; K49.

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