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LUNA RODRIGUEZ, Sofia Alejandra  and  LOPEZ LUCIO, Imelda Marisol. Design proposal to support awareness about organ and tissue donation. Zincografía [online]. 2020, vol.4, n.8, pp.24-43.  Epub Sep 01, 2020. ISSN 2448-8437.

The need to create a culture of organ donation and transplantation led to the proposal of a strategy supported from the approach of the discipline of social design with the aim of promoting values that contribute to this purpose in the population. Therefore, a qualitative research was undertaken through a case study. Among the stages of the process, the application of an exploratory survey was considered first, followed by an analysis of the information and finally the development of the design proposal for the awareness campaign called Donitos. It is on this conception of social design that the present study deals with.

Keywords : Social design; donation and organ transplantation in Mexico; business plan; Donitos campaign.

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