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LONNA OLVERA, Ivonne. Graphic narrative and hermeneutics. Towards an interpretation and understanding of the images that narrate. Zincografía [online]. 2022, vol.6, n.11, pp.184-196.  Epub May 23, 2022. ISSN 2448-8437.

Graphic narratives are those literary models such as comics, graphic novels, picture books, photobooks and animations, whose images are the ones that narrate. The multiplicity of meanings that these suppose gives way to the present investigation that aims to understand the hermeneutical process that triggers this type of works, as well as to give keys to carry out a reading of images for their interpretation and understanding. Thus, the concept of graphic narrative and its place in literature is revealed; and the implications of establishing relationships of meaning in a hermeneutic process when reading images, in which three phases are identified: the author's (prefiguration), the work's (configuration) and the reader's (refiguration). For the latter, a displacement is made through five hermeneutic actions that intersect with the resources of design and the visual arts to give keys that contribute to the understanding of graphic narratives. For the development of this research, a method based on critical analysis and hermeneutic approach was used. Its importance is to approach, through the keys that are given, the receivers of graphic narrative towards a valid interpretation, through an analytical and critical reading that allows a judgment close to objectivity, that is, to the work itself, for your understanding.

Keywords : Design; literature; hermeneutics; graphic narratives.

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