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Interpretatio. Revista de hermenéutica

On-line version ISSN 2448-864XPrint version ISSN 2683-1406


MENASSE, Adriana. Fate, Miracle and Law in Amos Oz’s Soumchi. Interpret. Rev. herméneut [online]. 2023, vol.8, n.1, pp.93-105.  Epub May 12, 2023. ISSN 2448-864X.

In this reading of Amos Oz’s short story La bicicleta de Sumji (Sumji’s bicycle) we wish to explore the relationship between two parallel and opposing issues: on the one hand, a clock-work world deterministically organized versus the feasibility of miracle and chance reshaping reality. On the other hand, between the miraculous, as something beyond our control, versus the Law of the Father, or ethics, conceived as the human responsibility to bring about love and justice. These contradicting drives are not mutually exclusive, but rather may somehow be complementary. Neither of them cancels the other. We suggest that even if chance and the miraculous emerge as a timely interruption of the world’s sternness, it is ethics that allows us to ground our basic trust in the world and our more lasting and joyful acceptance of its mysteries.

Keywords : world; trust; law; miracle; joy; justice; Amos Oz.

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