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Revista latinoamericana de estudios educativos

On-line version ISSN 2448-878XPrint version ISSN 0185-1284


CARVALHO, Isabel Cristina de Moura  and  ARIAS ORTEGA, Miguel Ángel. Learning in Times of the End of a World and the Opening of Multiple Worlds. Reflections from Environmental Education. Rev. latinoam. estud. educ. [online]. 2024, vol.54, n.2, pp.301-329.  Epub June 21, 2024. ISSN 2448-878X.

The text addresses the analysis of the global pandemic in December 2021, caused by the Sars-Cov 2 virus, resulting in millions of deaths and transforming social, institutional, and familial life. Following the stabilization of Covid-19 in various regions, there is an emphasis on reflecting on the two years of almost complete confinement, acknowledging that this crisis is a superimposition of health, social, political, economic, educational, and environmental crises. The importance of examining the implications for the pedagogical sphere and professional training in the “new normal” is highlighted. A historical analysis of the pandemic is proposed from psychological, social, cultural, educational, and environmental perspectives. Advocacy for learning from the experience, reviewing virtual pedagogical actions, and building more promising futures by integrating educational and environmental aspects. Finally, it is suggested to use analytical perspectives from authors such as Isabelle Stengers, Donna Haraway, and Ailton Krenak to understand and address the challenges posed.

Keywords : pandemic; environment; virtuality; environmental education.

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