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Computación y Sistemas

On-line version ISSN 2007-9737Print version ISSN 1405-5546

Comp. y Sist. vol.24 n.3 Ciudad de México Jul./Sep. 2020  Epub June 09, 2021 


Classification of Complex Diseases using an Improved Binary Cuckoo Search and Conditional Mutual Information Maximization

Manu Phogat1  * 

Dharmender Kumar1 

11 Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, India,,


With the advancement of various computational techniques, there is an exponential growth in genomic data. To analyze such huge amount of data, there is necessity of efficient machine learning techniques. The genomic data usually suffers from “curse of dimensionality” problem, having large number of n (features) and small number of p (samples), which makes classification task very complex. In the present study, a new intelligent hybrid method based on CMIM (conditional mutual information maximization) and novel IBCS (Improved binary cuckoo search) is used for classifying various complex diseases. The CMIM is used to deal with dimensionality problem and IBCS is to select most informative features. Generally, the standard BCS (binary cuckoo search algorithm) is used for feature selection but it has problems like low optimization accuracy and low localized searching. The IBCS overcome the shortcomings of BCS, and improved the classification accuracy by choosing best informative feature subset. The proposed technique applied on five different SNPs dataset which are publically available on NCBI GEO. The proposed model attains high classification accuracy and outperformed other feature selection techniques. The IBCS was also compared with other metaheuristics algorithms such as Binary GA, Binary PSO and Binary ACO, and the result shows that it has better classification accuracy.

Keywords: Metaheuristic; CMIM; IBCS; feature selection; classification; SNP

1 Introduction

The Metaheuristics algorithms, which are usually nature inspired algorithms, are quite popular in recent times because of their high efficiency in solving various challenging optimization problems. The nature-inspired algorithms are often developed by mimicking the behavior of some species in nature (e.g. humans, insects, birds).

Recently the metaheuristics algorithms are widely applied in the field of genomic data for selecting the suitable genetic marker (genes) to classify various complex diseases [5].

The Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) shows that a variety of diseases are characterized by SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) [18]. The SNPs are type of genetic variation with a substitution of a single nucleotide in the DNA sequence of human genome [7]. The SNPs datasets are recently used for the categorization of various complex diseases. The SNP datasets are known for their high dimensionality and also contains huge level of noisy data. The dataset are basically consist of large number of features(SNPs) and a very small sample size, in machine learning it is considered to be “curse of dimensionality” problem and for this kind of dataset it is not easy to establish an efficient classifier [12].

To classify the complex diseases with SNPs datasets, one has to select the highly discriminative features (SNPs) and for that task a robust feature selection technique is used in computational intelligence [6]. When the high dimensional genomic data is characterized with traditional classifier for the diagnoses of a disease, a very low accuracy is obtained.

The main objective of feature selection in SNPs datasets is to minimize the features and maximize the classification performance. The metaheuristics algorithms have capability to efficiently search the entire set of features to find out the most informative features. In optimization techniques the process of feature selection comes to end when the objective function reaches near to optimum solution. Many metaheuristics methods are successfully applied to genomic datasets for feature selection [8].

The SNPs are excellent genetic markers for many complex diseases, so our aim is to find out the interactions and relationships between SNPs to enhance the classification performance. Due to the high dimensionality and large feature space of SNPs dataset, the combination of intelligent feature selection techniques are used for the prognosis of disease and higher classification accuracy. Anekboon et al. [2] used a hybrid FS method by using three techniques, CBFS used as a filter and K-NN and ANN are used in the wrapper phase.

In this paper, we used the CMIM algorithm as a filter technique to reduce the size of large feature space by selecting a small feature subset on the basis of relevancy and redundancy. The chosen subset is then provided as input to proposed IBCS (Improved binary cuckoo search algorithm) to find out the most informative feature which are deeply related to disease.

The IBSC algorithm is an improved version of binary cuckoo search algorithm with having two main objectives.1) to retain only the useful features from the feature subset. 2) Maximize the predictive accuracy. The proposed technique is compared with many FS techniques, which are used on SNPs datasets, and also some metaheuristics algorithms, which are newly applied on the selected SNPs datasets.

The workflow of the paper is designed as follows: Section 2 describes the proposed technique, Improved Binary cuckoo search and CMIM algorithm. Section 3 discusses the methodology and result and finally section 4 describes the conclusion.

CMIM Algorithm

The CMIM is a filter FS technique proposed by Fleuret [9] in 2003-2004. The CMIM algorithm selects features on the basis of conditional mutual information. It deals with independence and individual strength of a new feature by measuring it with the feature that is already taken.

Let’s say a feature M is only good if I(y,MM) for each M already picked. ytargetIInformation,y Boolean random variable for class. It stands that M is only good if it possesses the information about y, and the information has not been shown by already picked up feature M. The CMIM criterion is expressed in equation 1:

CMIM(Mn)=minJSI(Mi,YMj), (1)


feature relevant to target y,

S =

Already selected feature.

The above equation explains that a higher value of feature(Mn), means it is relevant to target y and strongly complementary to another marked feature Mj where JS.

CSA (Cuckoo Search Algorithm)

The CS algorithm lies in the category of swarm intelligence, it is an optimization algorithm motivated by obligate brooding behavior of cuckoo bird in laying their eggs in other birds nest [20]. The cuckoo bird has a very exotic deception strategy that they replace one egg of the host bird with their own egg. The color and pattern of cuckoo egg resembles to the host eggs. Some of specific species of cuckoo bird have evolved in way that they have become specialized in mimicking the color and pattern of the eggs of few specific host eggs [11].

This strategy helps the cuckoo egg hatch slightly ahead before the host egg and because of their excellent mimicking pattern; the host throw out its own egg from the nest blindly, this process will increase the survival of cuckoo chicks. The idea of using cuckoo bird strategy in optimization was proposed by Yang and Deb [23] in 2009-2010 and can be used for numerous optimization problems.

The basic cuckoo search algorithm follows three simple rules:

R1: The cuckoo bird lays their egg in randomly chosen nests.

R2: The numbers of available nests are fixed, and the nest with the highest quality of eggs forms the next generation.

R3: When the host bird identifies the cuckoo’s egg it has two choices either discard the alien egg or build a new nest for itself.

In the optimization scenario, the host nest is a possible solution for the problem. The first step of the algorithm is to randomly initialize the nest for each iteration.

The second step is to use Levy flight technique shown in Equation 1 and 2 for global random walk and update the position of the nests [22, 21]:

Xij(t)=Xij(t1)+αL(s,λ), (2)

L(s,λ)=λ,Γ(λ)sin(λ)π.1s1+λ,ss0>0. (3)

Xij Represents for the jth egg at nest i, i=1,2,3,,m and j=1,2,,d, s = step size α>0 is a step size scaling factor.

BCSA (Binary Cuckoo Search Algorithm)

The binary version of cuckoo search is known as Binary Cuckoo Search algorithm (BCS), which is used for various feature selection techniques [19]. The main purpose is to collaborate a set of binary values for each nest that represents, whether a feature would reside to the conclusive set of features or not, and the function that has to be maximized is being provided by an organized classifier’s accuracy.

To have solution in discrete form, a limit is applied for valuing the dimensions (eggs) by setting up the binary vectors UB=1(upper bound) and LB=0 (lower bound) in BCS. The solution generated and updated are having values between LB and UB. To choose a particular feature a binary vector is applied, where ‘1’ stands for selected feature and ‘0; for unselected [16].

The binary values with in the Boolean lattice provide by equation 3 and 4:

S(xij(t))=11+exij(t), (4)

xij(t+1)={1ifs(xij(t)>σ0otherwise, (5)

where ∈ (0,1), σ is a Boolean boundary and s(xij(t) is a sigmoid function.

The cuckoo search use the Levy flights search strategy to explore the search space in a straight path with randomly 90 degree turns [20], also CS mostly depend on random walk search to easily jump from one region to another without thoroughly exploring each cuckoo’s nest.

Therefore CS has disadvantages like; low optimization performance, slow convergence rate and weak local searching. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose an IBCS (Improved Binary Cuckoo Search) algorithm.

2 Proposed Methodology

The proposed methodology is used to classify the SNPs datasets for various complex diseases as shown in Fig 1.

Fig. 1 Proposed Methodology 

Firstly the filter method CMIM is used to reduce the large feature space into a small feature subset. CMIM technique discards the redundant and uninformative features. A fast implementation of CMIM algorithm is applied instead of standard algorithm.

It takes the feature score at the time of selection process and define CMI (conditional mutual information) for the features that are rich in info and less in redundancy. The top N features which maximize the mutual information among them and also with the target class, will be picked iteratively.

After the selection of N features by CMIM, the selected features are provided as an input dataset to IBCS algorithm to choose most relevant subset of features that can increase the classification accuracy to predict the complex diseases.

Algorithm 1 Pseudocode of proposed technique 

IBCS Algorithm

The N subset of features which are the output value of CMIM technique, the IBCS algorithm takes it as its input data.

As the problem of FS is considered as binary discrete problem, and each nest represent a solution, the value of nest is randomly selected and converted into binary vector as follows:

If the value of σ (as shown in eqn. 5) is equal to 1, then feature (SNP) is selected.

If the value of σ (as shown in eqn. 5) is equal to 0, then feature (SNP) is discarded.

The next improvement takes place in the step size scaling factor α of Levy flight equation as to increase the localized searching capability. In standard CS and BCS the value of scaling factor is constant, α=1. The new value is calculated as: αA/G where A is step size and G stands for the generation number.

Complex Disease Datasets

The SNPs datasets represents the mutation in the sequence of nucleotide on a specific region for any group of individuals. The SNPs microarray data of five Affymetrix mapping 250 k arrays have been used in this study. The series of SNPs array are: GSE9222 [14], GSE13117 [15], GSE67047 [13], GSE34678 [10] and GSE16125 [17], all are downloaded from NCBI GEO (Gene expression omnibus) database [3].

The NCBI GEO is a free public repository that contains high throughput genomic and next generation sequencing data. Each dataset consist of two labels, Case and control to represent the affected individuals and healthy one. Every data sample represents its genotype at specific loci. The four SNP arrays, GSE9222, GSE13117, GSE67047 and GSE34678 are having data in alphabetical format except GSE16125 SNP, which has values in real numbers as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Summary of SNPs datasets. 

Dataset (GEO Series No.) Information No. of SNPs No. of samples
GSE9222 ASD(Autism) 250000+ 567
GSE13117 Mental Retardation 250000+ 360
GSE67047 Thyroid cancer 1000000 225
GSE34678 Colorectal cancer 250000+ 124
GSE16125 Colon cancer 250000+ 42

To apply classification and feature selection, the alphabetical dataset must be converted into numerical format.

There are numerous methods to convert into numeric, in this article the encoding used is: AB, AA, BB, and NO Call to 01, 11, 10 and 00 respectively. The results are compared with results achieved by [1] on same SNPs datasets.

Classification and Evaluation Measures

The SVM (support vector machine is used as a learner to calculate the performance measures of a proposed technique. The SVM is a supervised learning technique proposed by Boser et al. [4].

A k-fold cross validation is used where the value of k is set to k=2, where cases are less than 500 and k=4, where the cases are above 500 in the selected datasets. With the use of k-fold cross validation the proposed method have enough amount of cases for testing and training process.

The performance of each fold measure by following factors:

Accuracy=TP+TNTP+TN+FP+FN, (6)

F=2×Pre×RePre+Re, (7)


Re=TPTP+FN×100, (8)

Pre=TPTP+FP×100, (9)

where TP = True Positive, FP = False Positive, TN = True Negative, FN = False Negative.

We calculate the overall performance by using average of all folds:

Z=1Ki=1kAccuracyi, (10)

where K is total number of folds.

The proposed algorithm also uses an objective function for achieving maximum accuracy. Let us consider that N is total number of features, P is selected features by metaheuristic techniques, α is weight given to features and its value set to be α=0.2. Considering the above mentioned factors the value of fitness function f(x) is:

f(x)=(aPN)((1α)Z). (11)

The proposed technique executes on Matlab 2018(a) on windows 10, Intel dual core i5, 2.5GHz and 8GB RAM.

3 Results and Discussion

The following tables provide the comparative results of proposed and other feature selection algorithm that are applied on above mentioned datasets.

The reduced feature subset of each SNPs dataset after applying fast CMIM filter technique are shown in Table 3.

Table 2 Parameters of IBCS algorithm 

Parameters λ α Pa Pop. Size Iterations
Values 1 A/G 0.35 25 10

Table 3 No of SNPs before and after applying CMIM 

Dataset Total No SNPs SNPs Selected by CMIM No.of samples
GSE9222 250000+ 500 567
GSE13117 250000+ 500 360
GSE67047 1000000 1000 225
GSE34678 250000+ 500 124
GSE16125 250000+ 500 42

The fast CMIM technique rank and arrange the feature subset in decreasing order of their feature score, we pick top 500 or 1000 feature according to the feature size. The comparison of different feature selection and proposed method on different disease SNPs datasets are shown in Tables 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Table 4 Performance comparisons of ASD data. 

GSE9222(ASD) SNPs (Features) Accuracy
ReliefF+SVM 60 0.782
CBFS+SVM 10 0.643
CMIM+SVM-RFE 100 0.895
RFS+SVM 10 0.642
Proposed(CMIM+IBCS) 50 0.906

Table 5 Performance comparisons of MR data 

GSE13117(MR) SNPs(Features) Accuracy
ReliefF+SVM 30 0.781
CBFS+SVM 70 0.862
CMIM+SVM-RFE 50 0.850
RFS+SVM 10 0.731
Proposed(CMIM+IBCS) 60 0.905

Table 6 Performance comparisons of CR data 

GSE34678(CR) SNPs (Features) Accuracy
ReliefF+SVM 40 0.675
CBFS+SVM 60 0.812
CMIM+SVM-RFE 50 0.903
RFS+SVM 20 0.712
Proposed(CMIM+IBCS) 50 0.926

Table 7 Performance comparisons of CC data 

GSE67047(Colon cancer) SNPs (Features) Accuracy
ReliefF+SVM 40 0.708
CBFS+SVM 30 0.850
CMIM+SVM-RFE 50 0.841
RFS+SVM 50 0.708
Proposed(CMIM+IBCS) 60 0.872

Table 8 Performance comparisons of Thyroid cancer data 

GSE16125(Thyroid) SNPs (Features) Accuracy
ReliefF+SVM 50 0.782
CBFS+SVM 60 0.754
CMIM+SVM-RFE 50 0.901
RFS+SVM 20 0.712
Proposed(CMIM+IBCS) 50 0.916

The results comparison from all the tables’ shows that the proposed method outperforms all the other feature selection method in terms of accuracy. The performance comparison shown in the tables are based on optimal number of SNP subset. As in dataset ASD, CR and Thyroid cancer the optimal feature subset is 50 SNPs, where in CC and MR datasets the feature subset is 60 SNPs. In some cases as in MR and colon cancer the accuracy of proposed method rise more than 3 to 4%.

After reducing the feature subset using fast CMIM, the IBCS algorithm was also compared with different metaheuristics techniques that are being used for feature selection.

With reference to classification performance the IBCS outperformed all other algorithms while considering average accuracy using the different fitness function, Z in equation 11 and f(x) in equation 12 are shown in table 9. In GSE9222 (ASD) the BGA algorithm shows better performance with Z function.

Table 9 Comparison of metaheuristic techniques with IBCS 

Dataset Objective Function Algorithm Accuracy
GSE67047(Colon cancer) z BPSO
GSE16125(Thyroid) z BPSO

4 Conclusion

The proposed algorithm in this article, CMIM and (IBCS) Improved binary cuckoo search optimization aims to classify complex diseases SNPs in the datasets.

The CMIM technique was used to reduce the large feature space of SNPs data, after that IBCS algorithm was applied to select best feature from feature subset and maximize the classification performance.

Our experiment was conducted on five different SNPs datasets of complex diseases obtained from NCBI GEO, and the proposed method shows higher accuracy then all the other compared methods like ReliefF, CBFS, RFS and CMIM+SVM-RFE.

After reducing the large feature space by CMIM technique the feature subset used by IBCS was compared with other metaheuristics method such as Binary Ant Colony Optimization, Binary Genetic Algorithm, and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization.

The results revels that IBCS achieved better accuracy as compared to other algorithms. The Support vector machine is used for performance measure of feature subsets; however other classifier can also be used.

The obtained result shows that the SNPs of the whole genome could be applied to find out the affected person from the healthy ones.

For future our proposed algorithm can be applied to other large biomedical datasets rather than SNPs data and also modified for the feature selection of the multiclass datasets. There is also a large amount of work required in order to understand the genetic basis of complex diseases.


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Received: April 02, 2020; Accepted: May 22, 2020

* Corresponding author: Manu Phogat, e-mail:

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