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vol.28 número2Entre la historia y la ficción: la tragedia de Guillén de Lampart en Memorias de un impostor, de Vicente Riva Palacio índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Literatura mexicana

versión On-line ISSN 2448-8216versión impresa ISSN 0188-2546


CARRANZA VERA, Claudia Veónica  y  SILVA MARTINEZ, Andrea. An Example of Magical Comedy in Children’s Theater in Mexico. La almoneda del diablo (19th-20th centuries). Lit. mex [online]. 2017, vol.28, n.2, pp.9-34. ISSN 2448-8216.

La almoneda del diablo is a play written by the Spaniard Rafael María Liern y Cerach that had an enormous success in Mexico and Spain. This comedy attracted the attention of several writers and authors in our country, and, among others in the same genre, it was considered an appropriate text for child readers, as many of the different published versions of the Venegas Arroyo printing house prove. This article will then revise its interests and reception, as well as the different versions found in the popular books published by this printer from Puebla.

Palabras llave : popular literature; comedia de magia; Vanegas Arroyo; metamorphosis; 19th century theatre; children’s plays.

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