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Política y cultura

versión impresa ISSN 0188-7742


QUINTANA, Roberto Serafín Diego. Participación y empoderamiento a partir de experiencias de desarrollo rural en México: ¿cuál es la cuestión?. Polít. cult. [online]. 2008, n.30, pp.209-232. ISSN 0188-7742.

This work suggests the relevance of ethnography in order to provide factual evidence in rural development issues. In order to do so, it relates to actors' experiences in participatory strategies for rural development in Mexico. It focuses on the idea of empowering social actors through these strategies, and the role that 'agents of change' play in them. The aim is to reconsider participatory approaches beyond its intrinsic goods and evils, and to look at them through social practices, the attitudes and behavior of social actors and to understand the power and micro power relations that are generated amongst them in arenas of intervention.

Palabras llave : participation; empowerment; rural development; discourses; Mexico.

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