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Política y cultura

versión impresa ISSN 0188-7742


RODRIGUEZ ROJAS, Pedro. Venezuela: del neoliberalismo al socialismo del siglo XXI. Polít. cult. [online]. 2010, n.34, pp.187-211. ISSN 0188-7742.

In this paper, we address what was the Venezuela and the economic, political and social up to build the proposed adverse XXI century socialism. To do this we briefly retrospective of what have been the Venezuelan society since the seventies of last century, the rise rents up to the crisis of the 80s and insertion of the neoliberal agenda. The implementation of neoliberal model in Venezuela, as in much of Latin America was not an easy process; however conflicts and contradictions produced strong. Also the period that began in 1999 with the arrival of Hugo Chavez power is fraught with difficulties and obstacles, but doubt has been a project against neoliberals. Therefore, the ultimate goal of this is to review as has been the Venezuelan process toward socialism.

Palabras llave : neoliberalism; socialism; capitalism; process; Venezuela.

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