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 número37El Consenso de Washington: la instauración de las políticas neoliberales en América Latina índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Política y cultura

versión impresa ISSN 0188-7742


QUITRAL ROJAS, Máximo. La crisis subprime y los Objetivos del Milenio en América Latina. Polít. cult. [online]. 2012, n.37, pp.11-33. ISSN 0188-7742.

The main goal of the following paper is to reflect on the effects of subprime crisis on the objectives of the millennium in Latin America. As the hypothesis leading this research it can be said that the world crisis in 2008 stopped the levels of economical growth in Latin America, turned labor conditions unstable and increased regional poverty indicators.

Palabras llave : poverty; subprime crisis; unemployment; growth; objectives.

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