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 número47Avances y retrocesos de la evaluación en México. La perspectiva de los evaluadoresEvaluación de impacto: más allá de la experimentación índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Política y cultura

versión impresa ISSN 0188-7742


CANTO SAENZ, Rodolfo. From comprehensive rationality to participatory democracy. Polít. cult. [online]. 2017, n.47, pp.41-63. ISSN 0188-7742.

Influenced by the new public management, the evaluation of public policies in Mexico reveals a scientistic bias that leads it to privilege the role of specialists in the search for an impossible comprehensive rationality, while neglecting the possibilities offered by citizen participation in public affairs. Citizenship is able to go beyond the professional evaluators thanks to its large reserves of knowledge and experience, but their participation requires like-minded governments, willing to complement technical rationality with political rationality that emerges from the participation of those involved in all the public policy process, including evaluation.

Palabras llave : evaluation; public policy; citizenship participation; governance; participatory democracy.

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