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Política y cultura

versión impresa ISSN 0188-7742


GARCIA SANCHEZ, Ester  y  CARDOZO BRUM, Myriam. Impact evaluation: beyond experimentation. Polít. cult. [online]. 2017, n.47, pp.65-91. ISSN 0188-7742.

In Latin American countries and in Spain, impact evaluation has begun in the first decade of this century with a clear emphasis on quantitative methods and counterfactual quasi-experimental design. The cases of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Spain are discussed in this paper. In order to expand the methodological options considered in these countries, we review the existing definitions of impact, the theoretical approaches on which impact evaluation is based and several successful experiences in applying alternative methods.

Palabras llave : impact evaluation; counterfactual; quasi-experimental design; Latin America; Spain.

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