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vol.17 número1Distribución latitudinal de las fases reproductivas de Lithothrix aspergillum (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) en la costa del Pacífico de MéxicoBiovolumen ponderado; índice para estimar la contribución de especies en asociaciones de diatomeas bentónicas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0188-8897


TORRES-BUGARIN, Olivia et al. Potential fish species as genotoxicity biomarkers at lake "La Alberca", Michoacan, Mexico. Hidrobiológica [online]. 2007, vol.17, n.1, pp.75-81. ISSN 0188-8897.

The presence of spontaneous micronuclei in peripheral blood erythrocytes from 10 fish species in Lake "La Alberca", Michoacan (Mexico), was evaluated as a possible biological indicator of genotoxic agents. The peripheral blood samples from each of 56 fishes were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy (100X) to determine frequency of micronucleated erythrocytes (EMN) in 10,000 cells, and polychromatic erythrocytes in 1,000 cells (EPC). The cytoplasm-nucleus ratio in erythrocytes (RC/N) also was calculated. The sampled species and their Results were: Xenotoca melanosoma (3.7±1.6 EMN, 29.5±15 EPC, 1.7:1 RC/N), Oreochromis aureus (2.0±1.0 EMN, 21.0±14 EPC, 2.6:1 RC/N), Chirostoma consocium (1.5±0.7 EMN, 19.8±14 EPC, 1.4:1 RC/N), Chirostoma lucius (1.2±1.3 EMN, 34.2±19 EPC, 1.8:1 RC/N), Lepomis macrochirus (1.2±1.6 EMN, 10.3±19 EPC, 2.2:1 RC/N), Alloophorus robustus (1.0±1.5 EMN, 31.1±23 EPC, 1.9:1 RC/N), Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis (0.8±1.2 EMN, 23.8±6.3 EPC, 1.6:1 RC/N), Chapalichthys encaustus (0.7±1.0 EMN, 44.6±28 EPC, 1.9:1 RC/N), Poeciliopsis infans (0.7±0.8 EMN, 12.4±4.4 EPC, 1.8:1 RC/N) and Goodea atripinnis (0.6±1.1 EMN, 11.7±5.7 EPC, 1.7:1 RC/N). The frequency of spontaneous EMN found in Xenotoca melanosoma and Oreochromis aureus suggests that these species can be considered as potential biological indicators of genotoxic agents.

Palabras llave : Micronuclei; fish; biomonitors; genotoxic; lake of Michoacán.

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