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versión On-line ISSN 2594-0686versión impresa ISSN 1870-2333


ROBLES, José Manuel. Four fundamental theoretical problems for deliberative democracy. Polis [online]. 2011, vol.7, n.1, pp.45-67. ISSN 2594-0686.

In recent decades, we have witnessed a resurgence of the debates su-rrounding the possibility and the capabilities of deliberative demo-cracy. As has happened with other political theories like republica-nism, the deliberation was considered for a long time as a political choice that did not fit with the characteristics of the State and the modern citizen. However, in the past 25 years first ranking authors have tried to recover this form of participation by modifying anyone of the elements part of the classical definition. Nonetheless, and especially from the more liberal wing of political theory, not few that have raised major criticisms of this contemporary version of democratic deliberation. This article intends to, first, show the main theoretical discussions on the theory of deliberative democracy; secondly, point out the main arguments against this kind of political practice and, finally, summarize the major replies to those criticisms. The discussion ultimately carries out a critical review of the debate in order to show the effect, possibility and benefits of such practices.

Palabras llave : democratic theory; deliberative political theory; political participation.

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