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vol.14 número26La diáspora china en México. Asociaciones chinas en el Distrito Federal, Mexicali y TapachulaLa emergencia de China como potencia mundial. Fin del periodo de alto crecimiento y nuevos desafíos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Migración y desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 1870-7599


TAMAGNO, Carla  y  VELASQUEZ, Norma. Chinese association dynamics in Peru: Toward a characterization and typology. Migr. desarro [online]. 2016, vol.14, n.26, pp.145-166. ISSN 1870-7599.

Peru is a country of emigrants, but it has always been open to receiving immigrants from abroad. The Chinese began to come to Peru in the 19th Century, influencing what is today a dynamic community that fosters that country's economic development. Through their associations they have protected and promoted their traditions and achievements since that time, where all of their institutions nourish the Chinese philosophy based on principles and values that allow them to en gage and live harmonically with Peruvian traditions and culture. This article describes the internal dynamics of Chinese associations, where -through ethnographic research, surveys and interviews with the founders and presidents of those associations- we successfully created a current typology of them. A central characteristic of the first generation Chinese associations is that they prioritize ethnic associations and social support, where the Chinese language and cultural diffusion are their reason for being. The second kind are the associations oriented toward social integration, made up of Chinese descendants that have created significant dynamics and investments, mainly involved in commerce and services.

Palabras llave : Chinese organizations in Peru; transnational dynamics; Chinese associations in Peru; Peru survey.

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