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vol.12 número23Recursos didácticos para la estimulación de procesos metacognitivos en la escritura académicaHacia una literacidad crítica con enfoque de género en la enseñanza de literatura índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Diálogos sobre educación. Temas actuales en investigación educativa

versión On-line ISSN 2007-2171


BENHUMEA RODRIGUEZ, Claudia Lucía  y  VELASCO OROZCO, Juan Jesús. Critical literacy in social networks: a case study of students in the Department of Anthropology of the UAEMex. Diálogos sobre educ. Temas actuales en investig. educ. [online]. 2021, vol.12, n.23, 00018.  Epub 06-Dic-2021. ISSN 2007-2171.

This article addresses the study of critical literacy in a sample of university students. The central concept of critical literacy in the document is defined after some of Freire’ insights and studied through the relationship that students establish with reading and writing on virtual social networks. With this aim, the students’ attitudes and perceptions before different texts found on a daily basis on the social network were analyzed. In the document, we chose to work with the social network Facebook, although we mainly explore the way in which students react to information and the process of becoming aware of its veracity and social relevance. The results allow the reader to understand the way in which critical literacy occurs in these environments and the possible dimensions to be studied within this category.

Palabras llave : critical literacy; virtual social networks; Facebook.

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