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vol.8 número2Prácticas y saberes docentes de estudiantes normalistasLa educación ambiental a través de la contabilidad en la Universidad de Granma índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Dilemas contemporáneos: educación, política y valores

versión On-line ISSN 2007-7890


MARTIN REYES, Taimi Yisel; NUNEZ PENA, Miralvis  y  PEREZ TORRES, Gladis. Mobile Community Orientation Workshop; projection of actions for the training of the psychopedagogue. Dilemas contemp. educ. política valores [online]. 2021, vol.8, n.2, 00019.  Epub 21-Abr-2021. ISSN 2007-7890.

The initial training of the psychopedagogue demands the coherent interweaving of curricular activities, extensionists and investigative work practice, which allows the preparation of this professional for insertion as an agent of change in Cuban society. In this sense, the conception of the extension project Mobile Workshop of Community Orientation is proposed from the Bachelor of Education, Psychology Pedagogy at the University of Granma. The conception of this project enhances the management of the modes of professional performance of the psychopedagogue in the community context, based on the knowledge, skills, values and qualities that are required to develop the corresponding role, which responds to the professional problems associated with guidance educational, psychopedagogical counseling, transversalized by research.

Palabras llave : initial training; university extension; extension project; professional action modes; community orientation.

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