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Dilemas contemporáneos: educación, política y valores

versión On-line ISSN 2007-7890


PUPO GUISADO, Beatriz; CRUZ GARRIDO, Yander  y  GARCIA, Magalis Robert. Training and improvement of leadership to perfect the quality management system in Cuban companies. Dilemas contemp. educ. política valores [online]. 2021, vol.8, n.2, 00033.  Epub 21-Abr-2021. ISSN 2007-7890.

The objective of this research is to design and apply a procedure for the training and improvement of leadership in a Cuban meat company that contributes to perfecting the implementation of its quality management system. As a result of the research, a series of diagnostic tools are developed that allow evaluating the effectiveness of leadership during the implementation of the quality management system in this company and based on this, a training program and improvement of managerial skills is proposed that allow the achievement of the goals associated with quality management. With the implementation of the procedure in the selected company, its effectiveness was evaluated in achieving improvements of the executives involved, after applying the program.

Palabras llave : leadership; leadership training; leadership improvement; quality management; cuban company.

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