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Dilemas contemporáneos: educación, política y valores

versión On-line ISSN 2007-7890


KOVALKOVA, Tatyana. Evaluation of the psychologist’s role for flight safety in civil aviation. Dilemas contemp. educ. política valores [online]. 2021, vol.8, n.2, 00037.  Epub 21-Abr-2021. ISSN 2007-7890.

The article is devoted to human factors problems in the aviation industry and risk assessment techniques for civil aviation security, where the profession of psychologist is especially necessary in the professional selection of personnel for the evaluation of the ability of candidates in different areas. Research by aviation experts was conducted through a survey, and observations and conversations with practical specialists confirmed the need to deepen the education of psychologists in higher education institutions in Ukraine, increasing the motivation of students to work in the aviation industry, and improving the methodological support of education.

Palabras llave : aviation industry; human factor; investigation; professional; psychologist.

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