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Revista mexicana de cardiología

versión impresa ISSN 0188-2198


SALAZAR CHAMBA, Diana Isabel. Tricuspid valve endocarditis by histoplasma in immunocompetent patient. Rev. Mex. Cardiol [online]. 2016, vol.27, n.3, pp.130-132. ISSN 0188-2198.

Fungal endocarditis is a rare entity reported from 0 to 2% in many series but, although not the only one, Candida is the etiologic agent with the highest incidence. Although cases of fungal endocarditis due histoplasmosis have been described in immunocompromised patients, in the case that we are presenting, the pathogen was found in the tricuspid valve of an inmune competent patient that received clinical and surgical treatment.

Palabras llave : Endocarditis; histoplasmosis; tricuspid valve.

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