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vol.10 número4Frequency Transmission Control of Local Networked Control Systems Approach índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Journal of applied research and technology

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6736versión impresa ISSN 1665-6423


WANG, Y. G.; ZHANG, C. B.; CAO, Y.  y  LIU, B. H.. Access for Performance of Transportation Planning and Operations: Case Study in Beijing Metropolitan Region. J. appl. res. technol [online]. 2012, vol.10, n.4, pp.491-504. ISSN 2448-6736.

Considering the importance of maintaining effective performance at desired levels, the Transportation Adaptability Performance Index, as a weighted multi-criteria combination approach, is proposed to continuously identifying the performance of degradable transportation networks and making effective supplement, contrapuntal revision and in-time adjustment of the program implementation process, in response to new requirements of the urban system. For the design of strategic and quantitative methodology, 50 variables belonging to 8 domains in 2 components are chosen as the original input inherently reflecting the various interests of involved stakeholders. Specifically, the paired comparison matrix of the domain is constructed by the analytic hierarchy process to weight the importance of each single variable. If the consistency of the matrix is acceptable, the domain weight in two components is determined directly through the singular value decomposition approach and while the consistency level is unacceptable, the significant element in the matrix is identified and revised until the consistency satisfies the constraint. The methodology is then applied to evaluate the performance of transportation networks in Beijing metropolitan region using the derived 2000~2010 data and the findings indicate that the hidden and potential problems could be quantitatively identified by this approach that can be used as a user-friendly tool for metropolitan planning organizations in assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of in-service infrastructures, updating plans, setting priorities and optimizing resource allocation for next step.

Palabras llave : transportation planning; adaptability performance index; paired comparison matrix; acceptable consistency; singular value decomposition; significant element.

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