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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X


OBREGON, O. Schrödinger's Born-Infeld representation, the non Abelian case. Rev. mex. fis. [online]. 2007, vol.53, suppl.4, pp.125-128. ISSN 0035-001X.

We propose a non-Abelian Born-Infeld theory based on an Abelian theory by Erwin Schrodinger that, as he showed, is equivalent to Born-Infeld theory. Its construction does not require at any stage the square root structure that characterizes the Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) action. Various non-Abelian generalizations are possible. We focus our attention, in this work, in one of them. For it, it is shown that Instantons solutions exist.Our formalism could be of interest in connection with string theory and possible extensions of well known physical results in the usual Born-Infeld Abelian case.

Palabras llave : Born-Infeld; Non-Abelian.

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