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vol.57 número2An exact solution of delay-differential equations in association modelsImpact of the base doping concentration on the transport mechanisms in n-type a-SiGe:H/p-type c-Silicon Heterojunctions índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X


GUEVARA-RODRIGUEZ, F. de J.. Ecuación de estado cúbica para un fluido simple. Rev. mex. fis. [online]. 2011, vol.57, n.2, pp.125-132. ISSN 0035-001X.

In this work, a method to build the Cubic Equation of State of a pure substance is presented. The Equation of State is determined with the values of the pressure P, the molar volume v, and the temperature T in two states, namely, the critical point and the saturated vapor at temperature T/Tc = 0.7 (where Tc is the critical temperature). The resulting Equation is unique for each substance and, in general, different to other known Cubic Equation of State in the literature.

Palabras llave : Cubic equation of state.

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