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vol.26 número84Abraham López, un calendarista singularFiesta -lírica- en casa de Rolón índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas

versión impresa ISSN 0185-1276


PASCUAL GAY, Juan  y  ROLLAND, Philippe. La revista Dyn (1942-1944): Sus principales contenidos. An. Inst. Investig. Estét [online]. 2004, vol.26, n.84, pp.53-91. ISSN 0185-1276.

The journal entitled Dyn (1942-1944) was a publication that the Austrian artist, Wolfgang Paalen, published in Mexico but which was distributed in London and New York. The pages of this review were a showcase for the cream of dissident surrealism, in sharp division from the dogmas imposed on the, movement by Breton. Dyn was an experiment of surrealist inspiration born as a consequence of the International Exposition of Surrealism which took place in Mexico City in 1940. The article provides an account of the context in which articles appeared, and of the illustrations that accompanied them, as well as the various contributors' interests regarding modern, surrealist and Amerindian art as expressed in the articles that appeared throughout its six numbers.

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