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vol.55Actitudes e imaginarios sobre la jach maya y el xe'ek' maya: dos variantes construidas por algunos hablantes de Mérida, Cancún y ChetumalLos ch’oles y la tierra: redefinición intergeneracional en tiempos de crisis y migración campesina. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudios de cultura maya

versión impresa ISSN 0185-2574


BOCCARA, Michel  y  PECH WITZ, María Candelaria. The Knowledge of the Meno’ob and the Power of Air (ik'). Estud. cult. maya [online]. 2020, vol.55, pp.255-288.  Epub 09-Dic-2020. ISSN 0185-2574.

The main object of this paper is to present the work and cosmovision of María Candelaria Pech Witz, x-men of Calkiní, Campeche, México, and bring complementary data about the knowledge of the meno’ob (both men and women, h-meno’ob and x-meno’ob) in order to try to fill the gap on the activities of the x-meno’ob. We also intend to deepen the Maya central notion for the concept of ik’, translated in Spanish as aire (air) or viento (wind). The words and practices of María Candelaria Pech Witz, in relation with observations of dozen of other Maya practitioners, permit to present the knowledge of the meno’ob of the Yucatan Peninsula, as well as illustrate the importance of the variations, regional and individual, of the Maya cosmovision.

Palabras llave : Men (x-men, h-men); Yucatán Peninsula; Campeche; Maya medicine; agricultural ceremonies; wind; ik’.

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