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vol.36 número3La esfera familiar y la participación económica de las mujeres: una reflexión en torno a la tesis de las preferencias de Catherine Hakim índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudios demográficos y urbanos

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6515versión impresa ISSN 0186-7210


HOZ MAESTRE, Javier De La; MONTES ESCOBAR, Karime  y  SALAS MACIAS, Carlos. The Sustainable Society Index (SSI) in América: Analysis from a dynamic Biplot perspective. Estud. demogr. urbanos [online]. 2021, vol.36, n.3, pp.1035-1061.  Epub 22-Nov-2021. ISSN 2448-6515.

This study presents a dynamic Biplot analysis of the Sustainable Society Index applied to the American continent. The main results when analyzing the trajectories of the variables in general are short and tend to improve. Two groups were observed: the first joins countries well positioned against the variables “basic needs” and “personal and social development” (North America), and the second puts together countries with irregular behavior trajectories, with little stability and with a tendency to fall in the last periods in analysis (Central, South America and the Caribbean). The Dynamic Biplot method proves to be a new approach to three-way data processing and provides results that are easy to represent and interpret.

Palabras llave : multivariate analysis; sustainability; Biplot; sustainable development indicators; multivariate statistics.

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