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Investigación bibliotecológica

versión On-line ISSN 2448-8321versión impresa ISSN 0187-358X


MORALES MORANTE, Luís Fernando. Production and impact of Peruvian social science journals in the Latindex catalogue. Investig. bibl [online]. 2016, vol.30, n.69, pp.179-204. ISSN 2448-8321.

This paper analyzes the scientific production and leading indicators of international visibility of 25 Peruvian social science journals indexed in Latindex between 2005 and 2013, finding, with respect to other areas of knowledge, that there are more journals in the field of Psychology, Economy and Law and a large, relatively balanced quantity of articles published by both national and foreign authors. Moreover, papers by authors associated with private universities appear more often in the pages of these journals than those from public universities. Some incentive measures are proposed to improve the quality, number of citations and presence in international search engines.

Palabras llave : Latindex; Peru; Visibility; Impact; Social Science.

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