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Investigación bibliotecológica

versión On-line ISSN 2448-8321versión impresa ISSN 0187-358X


NASCIMENTO, Francisco Arrais et al. Self-naming and self-classification of gay men and alternative sexualities in Brazil. Investig. bibl [online]. 2020, vol.34, n.84, pp.151-168.  Epub 21-Ene-2021. ISSN 2448-8321.

The aim of this study was to understand the practices of self-naming in social applications of interaction in order to outline a classification of male homosexuality, alternative sexualities, and desire in Brazil. This qualitative study, based on a documentary and bibliographic research in the form of cartography, worked with a corpus of 1,732 words extracted from 1,005 user profiles on Scruff (a cellphone social interaction application used by men who seek to relate affectively-sexually with other men). We used the data mining Voyant Tools software that allowed the visualization of correlations, co-occurrences, flows, and dispersion of textual themes, as well as the technique of content analysis in order to identify the main subjects in the corpus. We found out that, in their self-classification, some subjects use terms that provoke slight changes of meaning, distancing themselves from a gay identity, and reinforcing their masculinity while relying on stereotypes and prejudices.

Palabras llave : Domain of Homosexuality; Classification; Alternative Modalities of Sexuality; Self-naming; Self-classification.

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