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Economía: teoría y práctica

versión On-line ISSN 2448-7481versión impresa ISSN 0188-3380


MARTINEZ SIDON, Gilberto  y  CORRALES CORRALES, Salvador. Productive Chains and clusters in the Regional Economy of Nuevo Leon. An Analysis with Input-Output Matrices. Econ: teor. práct [online]. 2017, n.46, pp.41-69. ISSN 2448-7481.

The state of Nuevo Leon has achieved high levels of competitiveness due to increasing interaction among economic activities, expressed in growth rates above the national average. To demonstrate the recent behavior of its economy through intersectoral relations, we used several computation models to obtain indicators, from the most basic to the most complex. First, Chenery and Watanabe’s indices are calculated to classify sectors of economic activity according to the data from a regionalized input-output matrix. We calculated Rasmussen’s indices to detect the power and sensitivity of intersectoral dispersion and at the end; we used Feser and Bergman’s methodology to identify major clusters, which have gained strength in Nuevo Leon thanks to industrial policies and business organization.

Palabras llave : Nuevo León; Input-output; chaining; cluster; regional economy.

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