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vol.20 número40Prácticas clientelares y control político en la experiencia campesina de Argentina índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Perfiles latinoamericanos

versión impresa ISSN 0188-7653


TRONCO, José del. Determinants of Political Distrust in Mexico. Perf. latinoam. [online]. 2012, vol.20, n.40, pp.227-251. ISSN 0188-7653.

From a culturalist perspective, political attitudes are the result of early life socialization and are, therefore, unlikely to change across time. The rationalist approach suggests that political attitudes are influenced by citizens' evaluations of the political system and its actors. Based on data from the National Political Culture Survey (2008), this article studies the conditions under which citizens distrust political institutions. The results suggest that political distrust in Mexico is related to the poor performance of representative institutions.

Palabras llave : Political distrust; Mexico; political culture; representation.

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