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vol.27 número53El sector eólico en México y EspañaCalidad del gobierno, victimización delictiva y participación política particularista en América Latina índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Perfiles latinoamericanos

versión impresa ISSN 0188-7653


MORA-DE LA MORA, Gabriela De la. Sociopolitical approach for the analysis of conservation policies in urban contexts: Between environmental services and protected natural areas. Perf. latinoam. [online]. 2019, vol.27, n.53, 00003. ISSN 0188-7653.

This paper proposes a sociopolitical approach to analyze the challenges faced by decision makers and society in general in two convergent conservation policies implementation in urban contexts in Mexico: environmental services or hydrological ecosystems services and protected natural areas. Components of a sociopolitical approach are theoretically and methodologically delineated to analyze both conservation policies in recently published academic literature. It is studied both public policy instruments and social processes and interactions they bring about with their implementation to achieve socioecosystems conservation in urban contexts in Mexico. It is concluded that it is essential to study these topics in depth.

Palabras llave : Sociopolitical approach; conservation policies; hydrological environmental services; ecosystem services; urban natural protected areas; Mexico.

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