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vol.90 número3Comparación del rendimiento diagnóstico de cuatro índices de riesgo de malignidad para cáncer de ovarioEstudio transoperatorio de tumores limítrofes de ovario. Características que pueden repercutir en el diagnóstico índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Ginecología y obstetricia de México

versión impresa ISSN 0300-9041


CAMARGO-VILLALBA, Gloria Eugenia et al. Clinical behavior of vertical delivery and in lithotomy position in two Health Centers of Cusco, Peru. Ginecol. obstet. Méx. [online]. 2022, vol.90, n.3, pp.222-233.  Epub 01-Ago-2022. ISSN 0300-9041.


To compare the clinical behavior of vertical delivery and delivery in the lithotomy position in pregnant women attended in two health centers in Cusco, Peru.


Descriptive, comparative and prospective study with a correlational component carried out in two health centers in the city of Cusco, Peru, from September 1, 2020 to January 31, 2021 in pregnant women who delivered vertically or horizontally. The sample size was calculated using the EPIDAT statistical program by comparing the means of independent groups.


212 patients were studied (106 in vertical delivery and 106 in lithotomy position). In horizontal delivery patients there were 3 cases of code red activation (1.42%) with maximum bleeding of 2500 cc. The most frequent vaginal tear grade was 1, in 103 women (48.58%). Uterine involution in the two groups, at 6 h, was 13 cm in 80 women (37.74%), at 12 h 12 cm in 83 women (39.15%) and by 24 h 11 cm in 84 women (39.62%). Minimum labor hours were 2.38 h in the vertical delivery group; the lowest Apgar score was 7 at 1 min (1.42%) and at 5 min (0.47%).


Vertical delivery may offer significant advantages compared to horizontal delivery in some variables: shorter labor, Apgar at minute and uterine involution. For the other variables studied, no statistically significant differences were found.

Palabras llave : Vertical delivery; Horizontal delivery; Vaginal tearing; Postpartum hemorrhage; Labor; Apgar score.

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