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vol.36 número140Obstáculos al desarrollo de encadenamientos productivos en América Latina: el caso de los muebles de madera en ArgentinaFactores de competitividad en la producción y exportación de hortalizas: el caso del valle de Mexicali, B.C., México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Problemas del desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 0301-7036


DURAN E., Jorge A.  y  CARRILLO H., Mario M.. La localización y la interrelación de la industria en regiones en desarrollo: El caso de Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche. Prob. Des [online]. 2005, vol.36, n.140, pp.143-164. ISSN 0301-7036.

In this paper, the results are presented of a study based on a survey carried out among 58 industrial companies in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche in 2002, classified as local (individual and matrices) vs. foreign (subsidiaries of groups), and both national and multinational. On this basis, it was sought to identify the economic activities with major degrees of impact in the region and the most influential factors in their location decision, to promote the installation of new companies. This is used as a mechanism offsetting the economic effects of a project to exploit gas, started in the middle of that year, which implied the construction of marine platforms. In general, low levels were found for regional integration, above all among foreign companies, while the most important location factor for all companies centered on the possibilities of finding a market for their sales.

Palabras llave : industrial location; economic interrelation; regional impacts; peripheral regions; industrial companies.

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