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vol.37 número145La nueva economía política en la transformación institucional del Estado-naciónSoberanía nacional y neoliberalismo en México: el nuevo sector manufacturero en Tlaxcala índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Problemas del desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 0301-7036


ALARCO TOSONI, Germán. Reforma estructural en la integración de la industria maquiladora a la economía mexicana. Prob. Des [online]. 2006, vol.37, n.145, pp.53-80. ISSN 0301-7036.

The recent literature and statistical information on the macroeconomic performance of Mexico's maquiladora industry is examined, and its present contribution to the balance of payments, employment, remunerations, aggregate value and economic growth is determined. The contribution of this activity to economic growth is now limited, although it may be more significant if its structural and economic parameters are modified: the propensity of the maquiladora industry to import inputs (reciprocal to the sum of the national input component and the contribution to aggregate value), the imported component of gross capital formation, the other activities' average propensity to import, and the structure of income distribution. Policies are sketched that could be designed and applied to improve the articulation of that sector with the rest of the productive activities.

Palabras llave : maquiladora; chaining; integration; reforms and macro-economy.

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