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Problemas del desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 0301-7036


ESPINO, Alma. Salary Gaps in Uruguay: Gender, Segregation and Unequal Labor Qualifications. Prob. Des [online]. 2013, vol.44, n.174, pp.89-117. ISSN 0301-7036.

This text analyzes salary differences between genders, taking into account the effect of labor segregation and unequal labor qualifications, by estimating the equations that incorporate these explanatory variables. The results indicate that segregation is fundamental to understand the persistence of salary gaps among employees of both genders, although a substantial portion is attributable to the gender of individuals. Traditional human capital variables do not really explain the gender salary gap, while educational inequality is another contributing factor. All of this has broad implications for public policy, in order to evaluate women's advances in breaking the gender stereotypes implied by marked economic discrimination.

Palabras llave : Segregation; Salary Gaps; Over-Qualification; Under-Qualification.

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