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Agricultura técnica en México

versión impresa ISSN 0568-2517


PEREZ DE LA CERDA, Felipe de Jesús et al. Relationship between initial vigor, yield and its components in Chalqueño Maize Populations. Agric. Téc. Méx [online]. 2007, vol.33, n.1, pp.5-16. ISSN 0568-2517.

Initial vigor and its relationship with grain yield and its components were evaluated in 28 maize (Zea mays L.) populations of the Chalqueño race. Fourteen were collected from the Purepecha Mountain Range, in the state of Michoacan, nine from the Chalco Valley, in the State of Mexico, and five from other states. Vigor was measured through the accelerated aging test, emergency in sand (emergency speed, length and dry weight of coleoptile and mesocotyl), and field emergency in two localities. For the field tests, populations were planted in 2003 at Aranza, Michoacan and Montecillo, State of Mexico, where initial and final establishment, as well as agronomic traits and grain yield and its components were evaluated. Almost all the populations from the Chalco Valley and other states showed a uniform performance in regard to vigor in most of the conducted tests; in contrast, populations from the Purepecha Mountain Range displayed greater variability, except for fi ve populations that showed a performance similar to that of the Chalco Valley populations. Populations from the Chalco Valley produced higher grain yield in Montecillo, whereas the yield of those from the Purepecha Mountain Range was higher in Aranza, that is, under the environment where they have been recurrently submitted to traditional improvement by farmers or breeders. A positive correlation was found between vigor traits and those of grain yield and its components. Traits with the highest correlation with vigor were emergency speed, length and dry weigth of mesocotyl and with yield and 100 seeds weight.

Palabras llave : Zea mays L.; initial establishment; maize populations; physiological quality; vigor.

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