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Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas

versión On-line ISSN 2007-2902versión impresa ISSN 1026-8774


BERESI, Matilde S. et al. Early-Middle Ordovician microfacies, biota and sedimentary paleoenvironments of Cerro Salazar, Central Sonora, Mexico. Rev. mex. cienc. geol [online]. 2012, vol.29, n.2, pp.330-345. ISSN 2007-2902.

This work shows the results of facies/microfacies and paleoenvironmental analysis of the Pozo Nuevo Formation outcropping at the Cerro Salazar, nearby the Rancho Las Norias (Central Sonora, Mexico). The Pozo Nuevo Formation represents Early-Middle Ordovician deposits of a continental carbonate shelf that developed in the southwestern tip of Laurentia. The conodonts and trilobites described from the unit indicate a late Floian-early Dapingian age. The microfacies analysis enables identifying different sub-environments within the carbonate shelf from minor to major depth: a coastal beach, represented by quartz sandstone and laminated quartzite with desiccation cracks; an inner shelf which includes a supratidal setting constituted by dolomitized wackestone and an intertidal-subtidal lagoon characterized by diffusely laminated microbialites, oncoid mudstone, pelloidpackstone grading to biopelloid and bioclastic packstone containing foraminifera and ostracods; and a subtidal setting composed of grainstone and packstone with crinoids and algae (Nuia) and detritic quartz and bioclastic packstone with bryozoans. In the lagoon as well as in the subtidal platform, there are intercalated intraclastic-bioclastic packstone levels, which are interpreted as proximal stormy events. The vertical variation of facies indicates a marked trend toward shallowing. At the base of the section fine micritic sediments deposited in a quiet, low energy lagoon, whereas a deeper subtidal environment with diverse faunas was developed in the middle part. On the other hand, at the top of the succession there is an increased participation of detrital quartz with deposition of coastal quartz sandstone culminating with thick dolomite levels of a vadose environment.

Palabras llave : Ordovician; microfacies; paleoenvironments; Central Sonora; Mexico.

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