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vol.32 número3El Grupo Choiyoi (Pérmico temprano-medio) en la Cordillera Frontal de Calingasta, San Juan, Argentina: volcanismo de arco asociado a extensiónCaracterísticas geoquímicas y significado tectónico del complejo de diques y domos félsicos del Paleoceno-Eoceno de La Tesorera, Zacatecas, en la Mesa Central, México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas

versión On-line ISSN 2007-2902versión impresa ISSN 1026-8774


SUZANO, Néstor et al. Magma mixing on the Famatinian magmatic arc from northwest Argentina: Example in the Diablillos intrusive complex, southern Puna. Rev. mex. cienc. geol [online]. 2015, vol.32, n.3, pp.433-454. ISSN 2007-2902.

On the eastern edge of the southern Puna, Inca Viejo range, NW Argentina, outcrops of the Diablillos intrusive complex are composed of a series of calc-alkaline magmatic arc rocks represented by monzogranite, granodiorite, tonalite and diorite. The monzogranite and intermediate rocks contain abundant enclaves and dismembered dikes. Field relationships, petrographic and geochemical studies suggest that the main mechanism of magmatic differentiation of the magmas was by magma mixing and mingling. Rocks of intermediate composition, such as granodiorite and tonalite correspond to a mixing forming process between crustal and mantle-derived magmas. Magma mixing is observable in the field (microgranular mafic enclaves) and evidenced in the geochemical diagrams (magmatic evolution by no-cotectic line), however, a complex magmatic evolution by processes of fractional crystallization and assimilation of country rocks, can not be ruled out. Contact relationships between the different lithological types and enclave-host, suggest that a magma chamber was formed by multiple pulses and was emplaced in middle levels of the continental crust. In a local and regional context, the geochemical affinities and the age of the Diablillos intrusive complex (501±17 Ma, U/Pb on circon) are consistent with the magmatism of the Oire eruptive complex. Magma mixing is one of the main mechanisms intervening in the origin and evolution of lower Paleozoic magmatism in the Famatinian arc, associated to a subduction setting.

Palabras llave : Magmatic differentiation; magma mixing; lower Paleozoic; magmatism; Southern Puna.

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