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Cirujano general

versión impresa ISSN 1405-0099


BERNAL GOMEZ, Roberto; SAGUI DE LA FUENTE, Lucia; OLIVARES ONTIVEROS, Oscar  y  OLIVARES VALDEZ, Oscar. Lichtenstein inguinal hernioplasty vs laparoscopic inguinal tapp repair: an open-label clinical trial. Cir. gen [online]. 2014, vol.36, n.1, pp.9-14. ISSN 1405-0099.


Both open and laparoscopic repair for inguinal hernias have demonstrated advantages and disadvantages as a therapy of choice. This study set out to compare results and discuss advantages and disadvantages of both techniques.

Material and methods:

An open-label randomized study was carried out. We performed 138 hernioplasties; 70 were randomized to the Lichtenstein technique and 68 to a laparoscopic TAPP (transabdominal pre peritoneal) technique. Results were compared for the following endpoints: mean surgical time, analgesic use, time to work resumption, and recurrences after a 60-month follow-up.


Mean surgical time was 60 minutes in the TAPP group and 45 minutes in the open technique group. Mean duration of analgesic use was 24 hours in he TAPP group, vs 7 days in the open surgery group. One patient in the TAPP group, had pain for 4 months. Mean time to normal work resumption was 5.5 days in the TAPP group vs 15 days in the open surgery group. To date, only two patients have had a recurrence, one in each group.


Both a laparoscopic technique and Lichtenstein technique can be performed with the same morbidity and surgical time, and with a similar recurrence rate. Although we could not assess costs, the benefits of less pain and faster recovery make TAPP the best choice.

Palabras llave : Transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair; Laparoscopic hernia repair; Open inguinal repair; Lichtenstein technique.

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