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Cirujano general

versión impresa ISSN 1405-0099


ROMERO-GONZALEZ, Rey J; RUIZ-FLORES, Claudia  y  GALINDO-LAGUNES, Dania. Routine coagulation tests during elective abdominal surgery to predict risk of bleeding. Cir. gen [online]. 2018, vol.40, n.3, pp.169-174. ISSN 1405-0099.


Many institutions in Mexico perform routine coagulation tests, prior to an elective surgery to prevent an intra or postoperative bleeding. However, some publications do not approve this practice.


Analyze the utility of coagulation tests for elective surgeries and the possibility for intra or postoperative bleeding.

Material and methods:

A retrospective comparative study was performed; it included 263 patients who underwent elective abdominal surgeries from a single institution. coagulation tests were compared with: sex, groups of age, intra or post-operative bleeding, surgical time and hospital length of stay.


A total of 2 (0.76%) intra or postoperative bleeding was found. Abnormal tests were reported in INR with minimal risk of bleeding (10/3.8%), INR with the maximal risk of bleeding (3/1.1%), PTT (66/25.1%) and PT (25/9.5%). There was no significant difference when coagulation tests was compared with sex, intra or postoperative bleeding or surgical time. Abnormal INR with maximal risk of bleeding was more common in patients ≥ 60-years old (p = 0.002). Surgical time and hospital length of stay were longer in patients with abnormal INR with maximal (p = 0.003) and minimal risk of bleeding (p = 0.005), respectively.


Routine use of coagulation tests prior to elective abdominal surgery has no justification and it should be avoided.

Palabras llave : Coagulation tests; bleeding; elective surgery; cholecystectomy; hernia repair.

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