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Computación y Sistemas

versión On-line ISSN 2007-9737versión impresa ISSN 1405-5546


MORALES ROMERO, Rocío Guadalupe; RUIZ AGUILAR, Graciela  y  ALEJO LOPEZ, Sergio Jacinto. Impact of Automatization of Irrigation: Case Study. Comp. y Sist. [online]. 2020, vol.24, n.2, pp.917-926.  Epub 04-Oct-2021. ISSN 2007-9737.

This paper presents an analysis, considering the scientific and technological development, as well as the legal framework, of the La Purisima Dam irrigation system in Guanajuato. The results of this research will eventually improve the productive systems of the users of the irrigation system by having knowledge of the optimal operating characteristics. The Modernization, Automation and Technification Project of the La Purisima Dam Irrigation Module, in Guanajuato, Mexico, began in 2011 and estimates an investment of 520 million pesos to technify 3 thousand hectares and increase efficiency in the use of water and its conduction. For a better performance in agricultural irrigation, which represents an increase in the overall production of the system between 40 and 85% and an increase in driving of 95% and savings of 10 million m3, which are extracted annually from the Irapuato Valle Aquifer. The objective of the research is to analyze the meanings that the agricultural producers have of the Irrigation District 011, with the purpose of favoring social participation in the implementation of the PMAYT and achieving an improvement in life. This research began in 2016, with users of the module located in Irapuato. The procedures applied in 2018 were questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and a focus group based on the methodology of the grounded theory. Among the results, the interest of producers in the knowledge of new irrigation systems stands out, but ignorance of regulations and lack of resources were detected. It is concluded that in addition to the technical challenge of modernization, meanings must be given to social participation and to understand the benefits of the development of science and technology as a complement to traditional knowledge, so that the projects are successful and the results are obtained.

Palabras llave : Automatic irrigation; environmental education; agricultural producers.

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